Thursday, December 20, 2012

Book update!

As some of you may already know, I've been working on my first book for the majority of this year.  With a number of life obstacles now out of the way, I'm happy to announce that it will street on January 29, 2013. 

The complete title will be Gimme, Gimme, Gimme!  Various Rants On America's Entitlement Mentality.

It will be available in both print and e-book format via Amazon.  I'm exploring options for availability via other e-book apps, so stay tuned.

Moreover, I know I've kinda neglected this blog (the last post being way back in April).  I'm going to try to be more frequent with posts.  Furthermore, I plan to start work on a second book in a few months (yeah, I'd like to take a bit of a break after this first one).

I'm also planning to set up a website for the first book as well as a Youtube channel showcasing videos dealing with entitlement syndrome (if I can be so bold).  Both should be live sometime after the New Year and certainly before the book streets.

I'll close in saying I hope all of you have a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.  To my Jewish friends, I hope your Hanukkah season was lovely!

