the founder of Islam (I refuse to regard him as a "prophet") is the subject of an article in The Brussels Journal by Dutch MP Geert Wilders. I'll simply provide a link below if you'd like to read the story in its entirety:
Time To Unmask Muhammad
I noticed one of the commentators on the Journal link made an absurd excuse for Muhammad's behavior, stating that "Attila the Hun was no less of a brutal butcher than Muhammad." His statement may very well be true, but Attila's influence was finite. You don't see millions of "Attilans" (for lack of a better word) causing mayhem and murder throughout history up until today. On the other hand, you have a similar figure whom millions upon millions of people throughout history strived to emulate and their contemporaries continue to do so. But hey, he founded a religion followed by over a billion people, so it's all good, right? Yet I get the suspicion that a good chunk of that billion plus would leave this cult if doing so wouldn't cost them their lives.
Anyway, that's all I have to say for this post. Please read Mr. Wilders' article and enjoy!
"The evil in this world is made possible by nothing but the sanction you give it." - Ayn Rand
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!
This famous quote from "The Wizard of Oz" was what I kept thinking as I watched the CNN special "Unwelcome: The Muslims Next Door" this past Sunday evening.
Soledad O'Brien, clearly biased against the Murfreesboro residents opposed to the construction of the mosque, attempted to argue with mosque opponents like Kevin Fisher and Sally Wall. Much to her frustration, I'm sure, both responded with self-assurance and conviction. On the other hand, however, she treated the local imam and other Muslims she spoke to with kid gloves, never questioning possible motives like the need for such a large facility (53, 000 square feet!!!).
Am I saying that the Muslims in that area don't need a place to worship? Of course not! I'm not one to infringe on how or what someone worships, no matter if it goes against my beliefs. However, one can't help but wonder why 53,000 square feet is necessary to accommodate about a couple of hundred Muslim families at the most when about 15,000 square feet would do, even taking into account future births and move-ins. But then there's the "a-ha" moment; more Muslims could be immigrating to Murfreesboro from the Middle East and elsewhere, and so the extra space is necessary for the anticipation of the new arrivals.
Now some of you might be saying "So what? They have every right to come here to live and worship as they please." Well, of course they do. As long as they intend to live here peacefully and observe our laws, I have no problem with that.
So what is the problem? Am I just being paranoid? Racist? Islamophobic?
Yes, the latter two questions like to be tossed about freely as if anyone who has the slightest problem with Islam is any of these things. First of all, Islam is NOT a race! It's not exclusive to dark-skinned Middle Easterners, so that argument is dead on arrival. As for Islamophobia, it's a word created by the media (don't you just love how they create words by adding the suffix "-phobia" to it?). But what is a phobia exactly? It implies an irrational fear of something! But we're not talking about spiders, snakes, heights, clowns, the number 13, etc.; we're instead referring to not just another "Abrahamic" religion but an oppressive ideology that strikes down freedom of any kind, treats women like chattel, insists that man-made laws be replaced with their sharia law, encourages violence against anyone who speaks out against said ideology or its murdering, warmongering, pedophile founder, and demands the death penalty for anyone who renounces this cult! Nothing irrational about that, wouldn't you say?
I got off on a bit of a tangent there. But it illustrates my point of what really bothered me about this CNN piece; a window dressing of sorts was placed on Islam while the opponents in Murfreesboro were portrayed as a bunch of uneducated hicks and rednecks. Sorry, Soledad, but some of us aren't buying what you have to sell. You can throw a pretty, American-born, articulate Muslim girl sans hijab on screen or portray an Islamic imam as cute and cuddly in an attempt to shut down our defenses, but the fact remains that the good citizens of Murfreesboro do not want their town to end up the same as Dearborn, Michigan, which is now virtually a "no-go area" for non-Muslims.
I'll end this here with the first part of the special someone uploaded on Youtube. Embedding has been disabled, so you'll have to click on the link below. There's more parts if you care to see it in its entirety:
Till next time, peace!
Soledad O'Brien, clearly biased against the Murfreesboro residents opposed to the construction of the mosque, attempted to argue with mosque opponents like Kevin Fisher and Sally Wall. Much to her frustration, I'm sure, both responded with self-assurance and conviction. On the other hand, however, she treated the local imam and other Muslims she spoke to with kid gloves, never questioning possible motives like the need for such a large facility (53, 000 square feet!!!).
Am I saying that the Muslims in that area don't need a place to worship? Of course not! I'm not one to infringe on how or what someone worships, no matter if it goes against my beliefs. However, one can't help but wonder why 53,000 square feet is necessary to accommodate about a couple of hundred Muslim families at the most when about 15,000 square feet would do, even taking into account future births and move-ins. But then there's the "a-ha" moment; more Muslims could be immigrating to Murfreesboro from the Middle East and elsewhere, and so the extra space is necessary for the anticipation of the new arrivals.
Now some of you might be saying "So what? They have every right to come here to live and worship as they please." Well, of course they do. As long as they intend to live here peacefully and observe our laws, I have no problem with that.
So what is the problem? Am I just being paranoid? Racist? Islamophobic?
Yes, the latter two questions like to be tossed about freely as if anyone who has the slightest problem with Islam is any of these things. First of all, Islam is NOT a race! It's not exclusive to dark-skinned Middle Easterners, so that argument is dead on arrival. As for Islamophobia, it's a word created by the media (don't you just love how they create words by adding the suffix "-phobia" to it?). But what is a phobia exactly? It implies an irrational fear of something! But we're not talking about spiders, snakes, heights, clowns, the number 13, etc.; we're instead referring to not just another "Abrahamic" religion but an oppressive ideology that strikes down freedom of any kind, treats women like chattel, insists that man-made laws be replaced with their sharia law, encourages violence against anyone who speaks out against said ideology or its murdering, warmongering, pedophile founder, and demands the death penalty for anyone who renounces this cult! Nothing irrational about that, wouldn't you say?
I got off on a bit of a tangent there. But it illustrates my point of what really bothered me about this CNN piece; a window dressing of sorts was placed on Islam while the opponents in Murfreesboro were portrayed as a bunch of uneducated hicks and rednecks. Sorry, Soledad, but some of us aren't buying what you have to sell. You can throw a pretty, American-born, articulate Muslim girl sans hijab on screen or portray an Islamic imam as cute and cuddly in an attempt to shut down our defenses, but the fact remains that the good citizens of Murfreesboro do not want their town to end up the same as Dearborn, Michigan, which is now virtually a "no-go area" for non-Muslims.
I'll end this here with the first part of the special someone uploaded on Youtube. Embedding has been disabled, so you'll have to click on the link below. There's more parts if you care to see it in its entirety:
Till next time, peace!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
The Almighty Church of Narcissism
Yep, that's what the Westboro Baptist Church should change its name to. You know the church; the one whose members hold protests at the funerals of homosexuals and KIAs carrying signs like "God Hates Fags" and "Thank God For Dead Soldiers". They're always making headlines somewhere.
Their antics never cease to sicken me. Just a couple of months ago, they planned a protest at the funeral of 9-year-old Christina Taylor-Green, one of the victims of the Tucson, Arizona shootings. Now why would they choose this little girl's funeral? It's despicable that they protest at ANYONE'S funeral, buy why her? What did she ever do to them? What was her perceived crime? Simple: she was born and raised a Catholic. Yep, that's it! It's worth it for them to show off their silly little signs all the while upsetting Christina's already-grieving family and friends. I don't what kind of god these whackjobs worship, but it's clearly not one of love and compassion. Fortunately, though, their protest was canceled, but only after they were offered air time on a radio station. Whatever god or entity they worship, it has a name: Narcissism!
Now only a day after Elizabeth Taylor passes away, the Westboro kooks announced a protest at her funeral. I'm not sure why; at first I thought it might be because of her 8 marriages. But then I realized it's most likely because of her work with organizations (including her own foundation) that deal with HIV and AIDS. The demented worldview of the Westboro cult (yes, I said "cult" of which the vast majority of members are related in some way) is that AIDS is a homosexual disease, and any0ne who disagrees with that view is, in their words, a "fag enabler".
The media really needs to stop covering these clowns! You know, just ignore them and they'll eventually go away! Don't send out film crews and don't invite any of the Phelps clan to appear on news and talk shows! Probably not going to happen anytime soon. The Westboro nuts are like sideshow freaks at a carnival; you're likely going to be repulsed, but you can't help but watch!
And if you just have to have a glimpse, here you go:
Their antics never cease to sicken me. Just a couple of months ago, they planned a protest at the funeral of 9-year-old Christina Taylor-Green, one of the victims of the Tucson, Arizona shootings. Now why would they choose this little girl's funeral? It's despicable that they protest at ANYONE'S funeral, buy why her? What did she ever do to them? What was her perceived crime? Simple: she was born and raised a Catholic. Yep, that's it! It's worth it for them to show off their silly little signs all the while upsetting Christina's already-grieving family and friends. I don't what kind of god these whackjobs worship, but it's clearly not one of love and compassion. Fortunately, though, their protest was canceled, but only after they were offered air time on a radio station. Whatever god or entity they worship, it has a name: Narcissism!
Now only a day after Elizabeth Taylor passes away, the Westboro kooks announced a protest at her funeral. I'm not sure why; at first I thought it might be because of her 8 marriages. But then I realized it's most likely because of her work with organizations (including her own foundation) that deal with HIV and AIDS. The demented worldview of the Westboro cult (yes, I said "cult" of which the vast majority of members are related in some way) is that AIDS is a homosexual disease, and any0ne who disagrees with that view is, in their words, a "fag enabler".
The media really needs to stop covering these clowns! You know, just ignore them and they'll eventually go away! Don't send out film crews and don't invite any of the Phelps clan to appear on news and talk shows! Probably not going to happen anytime soon. The Westboro nuts are like sideshow freaks at a carnival; you're likely going to be repulsed, but you can't help but watch!
And if you just have to have a glimpse, here you go:
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
YES!!! No charges filed against the Rifqa Bary Six- Sorry, CAIR, you fail!
Remember Rifqa Bary, the Ohio teen who fled to Florida in the summer of 2009 after her father threatened to kill her for converting from Islam to Christianity? Here's a recap:
It turns out that both the states of Ohio and Florida are NOT going to file charges against those who aided her after she fled, including the Orlando, FL pastor who took her in.
Here's a link from Pamela Geller's blog (Atlas Shrugs) with all the details:
Rifqa Bary's Saviors Escape Prosecution - Sharia Law Didn't Prevail In Ohio
One little victory! Hopefully many more to follow!
Here's a link from Pamela Geller's blog (Atlas Shrugs) with all the details:
Rifqa Bary's Saviors Escape Prosecution - Sharia Law Didn't Prevail In Ohio
One little victory! Hopefully many more to follow!
Monday, March 21, 2011
They could ruin a teacher's career over this???
Before I get into this, why not watch the video first:
A distinguished teaching career of 27 years is now in jeopardy because a Muslim kid was traumatized over the use of the word "ham". And they actually sent the police out to investigate this and have charged him with what is essentially a "hate" crime!
First of all, I believe the kid to be rather disrespectful and impudent for telling his teacher how to instruct his class.
Secondly, I really don't believe Senor Reyes (the teacher) would have suggested the student return to his country of origin, and if he did, so what? The kid wouldn't have to worry about hearing the words "ham", "pig", "pork", etc. in his country of birth. No, it's my belief that this kid and his mother are putting on a show for the Spanish media. Spain obviously has its adherents to political correctness like those here in America who love to brand someone "racist" or "xenophobic" if he or she does not kowtow to a Muslim immigrant's culture or beliefs.
This episode reminds me of the woman in England who was instructed by local police to remove CERAMIC pigs from her kitchen windowsill because they offended her Muslim neighbors, even though said pigs were on HER property. I can only imagine what would have happened if ske kept REAL pigs in her yard!
If these are their beliefs regarding swine, OK, whatever! But a line is crossed whenever said beliefs are imposed on the rest of us by force!
The idea behind immigration is that immigrants, while maintaining some degree of their heritage, culture, and beliefs, would eventually assimilate into their new country. But lately, even in America, we're moving farther away from that ideal. Now we have morons in power who believe it is their duty to fully accommodate every aspect of a new immigrant's life so that assimilation into the "melting pot" does not occur. And while America does not have an official language, it's universally accepted that English is the language of choice and the one most spoken. Hispanic immigrants have been accommodated to the point that they are not motivated to even try and learn some English. But I digress a bit here.
I think the following video, simplistic as it is, sums up the point:
In any event, it would be a travesty if Senor Reyes were to lose his job over a very minute objection of a single student. Pandora's Box will be flung wide open...
First of all, I believe the kid to be rather disrespectful and impudent for telling his teacher how to instruct his class.
Secondly, I really don't believe Senor Reyes (the teacher) would have suggested the student return to his country of origin, and if he did, so what? The kid wouldn't have to worry about hearing the words "ham", "pig", "pork", etc. in his country of birth. No, it's my belief that this kid and his mother are putting on a show for the Spanish media. Spain obviously has its adherents to political correctness like those here in America who love to brand someone "racist" or "xenophobic" if he or she does not kowtow to a Muslim immigrant's culture or beliefs.
This episode reminds me of the woman in England who was instructed by local police to remove CERAMIC pigs from her kitchen windowsill because they offended her Muslim neighbors, even though said pigs were on HER property. I can only imagine what would have happened if ske kept REAL pigs in her yard!
If these are their beliefs regarding swine, OK, whatever! But a line is crossed whenever said beliefs are imposed on the rest of us by force!
The idea behind immigration is that immigrants, while maintaining some degree of their heritage, culture, and beliefs, would eventually assimilate into their new country. But lately, even in America, we're moving farther away from that ideal. Now we have morons in power who believe it is their duty to fully accommodate every aspect of a new immigrant's life so that assimilation into the "melting pot" does not occur. And while America does not have an official language, it's universally accepted that English is the language of choice and the one most spoken. Hispanic immigrants have been accommodated to the point that they are not motivated to even try and learn some English. But I digress a bit here.
I think the following video, simplistic as it is, sums up the point:
In any event, it would be a travesty if Senor Reyes were to lose his job over a very minute objection of a single student. Pandora's Box will be flung wide open...
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Are you frickin' kidding me?

You, sir, need to be removed from the bench immediately!!!
Remember, folks, complacency is not an option!
Thursday, March 17, 2011
AFLAC had every right to fire Gottfried!
The media really latched on to Gilbert Gottfried's offensive tweets in lame attempts to make jokes about the tragedy in Japan. I'm going to spare you dear readers what was tweeted; if you haven't heard what was tweeted and are curious, there's plenty of sites and blogs out there that cover the story, tweets included.
Now Howard Stern has chimed in, saying it wasn't right for AFLAC to fire him and gave his reasons why. If you're really interested in anything Stern has to say, here's a clip:

Now Howard Stern has chimed in, saying it wasn't right for AFLAC to fire him and gave his reasons why. If you're really interested in anything Stern has to say, here's a clip:

A number of news programs have brought in or consulted legal experts regarding Gottfried's firing and the ones I've seen have stated that yes, AFLAC had every right to release him. Like it or not, companies and corporations consider employee conduct both on and off the job. Gottfried represented AFLAC even if he wasn't a full-time contractual employee, AFLAC had to consider the potential harm this controversy could do to their reputation, and so a decision had to be made. So unless the advertising agency AFLAC uses has Gottfried's sound bites on file and AFLAC doesn't mind paying royalties to Gottfried, you won't be hearing their famous duck screeching this anymore:
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
A bit of Gilbert O'Sullivan for ya!
We need a break from all the negative stuff going on in the world from time to time, so here's a treat for you! Here's a number by Gilbert O'Sullivan (no, it's not "Alone Again Naturally"; too depressing!). Enjoy!
I will resume this blog later in the day! Peace!
I will resume this blog later in the day! Peace!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
A brutal, cowardly act!
I was appalled at what I saw on Debbie Schlussel's blog yesterday. An Israeli mother, father, and three of their children (one of them a 3-month-old infant) were brutally stabbed to death as they slept by Palestinian terrorists.
You can click Here to read more. WARNING!!! Most of the photos shown are very graphic and disturbing, so please use discretion, especially if you have little ones peeking over your shoulder.
Thoughts and prayers go out to their family, in particular the surviving daughter who came home to find her family slaughtered.
I have no idea why major media outlets will not cover a story like this....
You can click Here to read more. WARNING!!! Most of the photos shown are very graphic and disturbing, so please use discretion, especially if you have little ones peeking over your shoulder.
Thoughts and prayers go out to their family, in particular the surviving daughter who came home to find her family slaughtered.
I have no idea why major media outlets will not cover a story like this....
Monday, March 14, 2011
72 Virgins? Really???
How do they buy into this hokum?
Islamic jihadists and suicide bombers are brainwashed to believe that they'll be awarded 72 black-eyed virgins in their Paradise if they die for their beliefs.
Methinks they're going to be disappointed:
Islamic jihadists and suicide bombers are brainwashed to believe that they'll be awarded 72 black-eyed virgins in their Paradise if they die for their beliefs.
Methinks they're going to be disappointed:
Andy turns out to be a no-show!
So the rally in DC didn't happen! You know the one; Anjem Choudary and his Islamic thugs were planning to hold their "Sharia 4 America" rally in Washington DC on March 3rd.
For those of you who don't know who Andy Choudary is (BTW, if you ever run into this clown, go ahead and call him "Andy"; it really ticks him off!), he's this radical Islamic cleric from London who's hell-bent on having Islam and every aspect of it (including its theocratic sharia law) dominate the entire globe. Here he is and some of his goons at a rally outside the American embassy in London:
And this is one of his calmer moments! You should see this guy whip up a crowd of like-minded morons into a frenzy, like a kid taking a big stick and repeatedly whacking a hornet's nest. Maybe I'll find and post a video of such in a future post.
And, up until he "postponed", he wanted to bring his message of hate and domination to our nation's capital.
So why the no-show? Perhaps he wasn't allowed into the US! Or maybe he realized that Americans like myself who have no taste for kool-aid wouldn't stand for this for one minute! Sorry, but I like living in a free and democratic society where I am able to speak my mind even if other people disagree with what I have to say! Sharia brings nothing but oppression and an unquestioning obedience to those who enforce it! Don't think it's all that bad? Let me give you a few examples of what goes on in lands that enforce sharia:
Legalized honor killings, girls as young as SIX forced into marriage with men at least three times their age, public beheadings, homosexuals caught in the act tortured or even hanged, women who are merely accused of promiscuity can be stoned to death, and the list goes on!
And ol' Andy wants to bring that to our land! No, thanks, pal; you keep your sharia, I'll keep my freedom and my life! And trust me, I'm not alone; have a look at the video below:
For those of you who don't know who Andy Choudary is (BTW, if you ever run into this clown, go ahead and call him "Andy"; it really ticks him off!), he's this radical Islamic cleric from London who's hell-bent on having Islam and every aspect of it (including its theocratic sharia law) dominate the entire globe. Here he is and some of his goons at a rally outside the American embassy in London:
And this is one of his calmer moments! You should see this guy whip up a crowd of like-minded morons into a frenzy, like a kid taking a big stick and repeatedly whacking a hornet's nest. Maybe I'll find and post a video of such in a future post.
And, up until he "postponed", he wanted to bring his message of hate and domination to our nation's capital.
So why the no-show? Perhaps he wasn't allowed into the US! Or maybe he realized that Americans like myself who have no taste for kool-aid wouldn't stand for this for one minute! Sorry, but I like living in a free and democratic society where I am able to speak my mind even if other people disagree with what I have to say! Sharia brings nothing but oppression and an unquestioning obedience to those who enforce it! Don't think it's all that bad? Let me give you a few examples of what goes on in lands that enforce sharia:
Legalized honor killings, girls as young as SIX forced into marriage with men at least three times their age, public beheadings, homosexuals caught in the act tortured or even hanged, women who are merely accused of promiscuity can be stoned to death, and the list goes on!
And ol' Andy wants to bring that to our land! No, thanks, pal; you keep your sharia, I'll keep my freedom and my life! And trust me, I'm not alone; have a look at the video below:
The counter-protest happened even if Andy or any of his goons didn't show up! Maybe he got wind of this and chickened out! Deep down, loudmouth bullies like Andy are really base cowards once you take the wind out of their sails!
Till next time, peace!
Till next time, peace!
Sunday, March 13, 2011
So what's behind the name?
No, not my Christian name, but rather the name you see in my profile and at the bottom of each post I make.
Yes, Wrial Huden!
Sounds like a character from Star Wars, you say?
You're closer than you think! No, you won't find anybody by that name in any of the Star Wars films, and no, not even the Clone Wars animated series. Nope, not any of the books, either.
But Wrial could possibly be a Jedi or perhaps a smuggler working for Jabba the Hutt.
OK, OK, I'll quit rambling and reveal to you how you can get your own Star Wars name!
First, you take the first three letters of your last name (married ladies, you have the option of using either your maiden or married name, whatever pleases you).
Then, you take the first two letters of your first name.
Combine those letters together and you'll have the first name in your Star Wars moniker.
Next, you take the first two letters of your mother's maiden name.
Then, you take the first three letters of the town or city you were born in.
Now combine those letters and you'll have your surname.
Go on, give it a try!!!
Then go ahead and post your results in the comments. I'd really like to see what you come up with!
That'll do it for this posting! Peace!
Yes, Wrial Huden!
Sounds like a character from Star Wars, you say?
You're closer than you think! No, you won't find anybody by that name in any of the Star Wars films, and no, not even the Clone Wars animated series. Nope, not any of the books, either.
But Wrial could possibly be a Jedi or perhaps a smuggler working for Jabba the Hutt.
OK, OK, I'll quit rambling and reveal to you how you can get your own Star Wars name!
First, you take the first three letters of your last name (married ladies, you have the option of using either your maiden or married name, whatever pleases you).
Then, you take the first two letters of your first name.
Combine those letters together and you'll have the first name in your Star Wars moniker.
Next, you take the first two letters of your mother's maiden name.
Then, you take the first three letters of the town or city you were born in.
Now combine those letters and you'll have your surname.
Go on, give it a try!!!
Then go ahead and post your results in the comments. I'd really like to see what you come up with!
That'll do it for this posting! Peace!
Japan WILL bounce back!
I've admired Japan for quite some time. I've never been to the Land of the Rising Sun (though taking a trip there is most definitely on my bucket list), but I've seen much of its beauty and culture through video, books, and pictures. I've even taken a course in Japanese through the Houston chapter of the Japan-America Society about 9 years ago, if nothing else, to better understand some of the Japanese-language cinema and anime I like to watch so I won't have to rely solely on the English subtitles at the bottom of the screen.
I also realize that Japan is a land prone to natural disasters. It's an easy target for typhoons and the rare tornado (yes, tornadoes are phenomenon not exclusive to the United States). But Japan sits on the so-called Pacific Ring of Fire, and while Fujiyama hasn't erupted in over 300 years, the island nation experiences something that is unfortunately all too commonplace; earthquakes!
Eight point nine!!! That's what the Richter scale initially measured on the quake that hit Japan over 48 hours ago. This dwarfs the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923 measured at 7.9. That particular earthquake pretty much leveled Tokyo; the buildings of that era lacked the design and engineering to withstand powerful earthquakes, so most easily crumbled. This most recent quake, with its epicenter just offshore, triggered an exceptionally powerful tsunami with enormous waves crashing into the nearby Japanese shoreline within minutes. Some buildings could have withstood the quake itself, but sadly, they were no match for water coming onshore at 50 mph and over 20 ft. high. And now there's the possibility of the northeast part of Japan becoming another Chernobyl as the struggle continues to prevent nuclear meltdown.
All we can do now is hope and pray that a bad situation doesn't become worse. But in spite of all that's happen thus far, I believe the Japanese people and the nation at large are resilient enough to bounce back!
I also realize that Japan is a land prone to natural disasters. It's an easy target for typhoons and the rare tornado (yes, tornadoes are phenomenon not exclusive to the United States). But Japan sits on the so-called Pacific Ring of Fire, and while Fujiyama hasn't erupted in over 300 years, the island nation experiences something that is unfortunately all too commonplace; earthquakes!
Eight point nine!!! That's what the Richter scale initially measured on the quake that hit Japan over 48 hours ago. This dwarfs the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923 measured at 7.9. That particular earthquake pretty much leveled Tokyo; the buildings of that era lacked the design and engineering to withstand powerful earthquakes, so most easily crumbled. This most recent quake, with its epicenter just offshore, triggered an exceptionally powerful tsunami with enormous waves crashing into the nearby Japanese shoreline within minutes. Some buildings could have withstood the quake itself, but sadly, they were no match for water coming onshore at 50 mph and over 20 ft. high. And now there's the possibility of the northeast part of Japan becoming another Chernobyl as the struggle continues to prevent nuclear meltdown.
All we can do now is hope and pray that a bad situation doesn't become worse. But in spite of all that's happen thus far, I believe the Japanese people and the nation at large are resilient enough to bounce back!
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